Retail sales volume decreased in March 2023

The retail sales volume decreased by 1.6 percent in March 2023 compared with February 2023. Retail sales in consumables (excluding Systembolaget, the state-owned chain of liquor stores) increased by 0.3 percent and retail sales in durables decreased by 2.4 percent. These figures are working-day and seasonally adjusted and calculated in fixed prices.

“All retail sub-sectors except bookstores showed declines compared to March last year. The largest declines were seen in retail sales in durables, for example the sales volume in stores for building materials and stores for furnitures decreased by more than 20 percent compared to March 2022.”, says Jeongwon Kim, statistician at Statistics Sweden.

In the last three-month period (January-March), sales volume in working-day and seasonally adjusted figures decreased by 2.9 percent compared with the previous three-month period (October-December). Retail sales in durables decreased by 3.7 percent and retail sales in consumables (excluding Systembolaget) decreased by 1.8 percent.

In March, the year-on-year growth rate in the volume of retail sales was negative 11.6 percent in working-day adjusted figures. Retail sales in durables decreased by 14.2 percent and retail sales in consumables (excluding Systembolaget) decreased by 8.9 percent.

In fixed prices and non-working-day adjusted figures, total retail trade decreased by 10.9 percent in volume compared with the corresponding period a year ago. Retail sales in durables decreased by 13,7 percent and retail sales in consumables (excluding Systembolaget) decreased by 8.0 percent.

Turnover in retail trade measured in current prices increased by 0.7 percent in March 2023 compared with March 2022. Retail sales in durables decreased by 5.8 percent while retail sales in consumables (excluding Systembolaget) increased by 10.0 percent.

To consider:

Under present circumstances with broad price increases on consumer goods, consumption patterns may change. Consumers may choose cheaper alternatives for goods that have become more expensive (so called substitution). This might lead to an underestimation of retail sales measured in fixed prices. This might mostly be a concern for retail sales in consumables, but can also be a factor within other sectors.

Seasonally adjusted monthly development

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