Mother's Day expenditure in the U.S. 2007-2023
Americans were planning on spending a total of some 36 billion U.S. dollars on Mother’s Day in 2023. This figure has increased considerably over the survey period, with consumers spending an extra 15 billion dollars on loved ones compared to 2013, when expenditure had reached around 20 billion dollars.
Mother’s Day in the United States
As suggested by the name, Mother’s Day is an annual celebration that honors mothers and motherhood. The modern holiday was first celebrated in the United States in 1908, and later in 1911 it was observed as a holiday in all U.S. states. Initially the holiday was celebrated out of sentiment, however, it was soon commercialized when Mother’s Day cards were put on shelves in the early 1920s. In 2022, U.S. consumers planned to spend nearly three and a half billion U.S. dollars on gift cards for Mother’s Day.Shopping behavior
When shopping for a gift for Mother’s Day, a considerable share of respondents to a recent survey stated that finding a unique or different gift was the most important shopping consideration. In that vein, many younger consumers planned to purchase a gift of experience for Mother's Day.3rd Edition of Statistical Methods for Analyzing Engineering Data | 29-30 May 2023 | Brazil (Hybrid)
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